Storefront API
The Storefront API lets you build custom storefronts on top of your Fourthwall product collections.
This is a great way to create a custom shopping experience for your customers, while still leveraging the power of the Fourthwall platform and our wide range of products.
See our showcase for examples of what you can build.
How it works
If you build your storefront on the Fourthwall shop editor, your shop is served directly from our servers to your customers.

While this is a great way to get started, it does have some limitations. To build a truly custom experience, you can build your own frontend and use the Storefront API to pull in products and handle the cart process.
With a proxy
The most straight-forward way to build a custom storefront is through a proxy server. We've optimized for a setup through Vercel, though other services like Netlify would work as well. Get started here.

In this setup, your frontend application will make API calls to the Vercel backend. The Vercel backend acts as a proxy that will then make calls to the Fourthwall API. Your Vercel application can contain whatever code you want, allowing for a fully customizaable storefront.
Separate frontend
It is also possible to build your custom site as a static frontend only site. In this setup, the static site will make API calls directly to the Fourthwall API. You can learn how to get started here.

The checkout process is still handled by Fourthwall. Once the customer is ready to checkout a cart, you will redirect them to the Fourthwall checkout page.
It's a good idea to style your checkout page to match the rest of your site. More information on creating the checkout process here